I'm within a month or two of painting my EX and I would welome opinions on paint. Specifically:
1) I like the idea of keeping it light so leaving the underbelly, tailfeathers, and rear parts of the wing just Polyspray makes sense but I'm concerned about life expectency, especially on a sea plane. Anyone having problems with the exposed Poly-spray after a few years? I guess at worst it should be easy to touch up unlike some coatings.
2) The CC manual calls for PPG DUHS polyeurethane paint, the Polyfiber manual says no, use PolyTone or Ranthane or Aerothane but not automotive paints. PolyTone looks easy to spray and easy to repair, but its not good on metal. It's also not glossy but I'm not sure I care. Would appreciate hearing what others have done and what their experience is.
I owned a new Maule and the paint was really pretty good - I think they use Randolf products. Owned a 2003 T206H and the paint was HORRIBLE. Came off the leading edge in big flakes within a couple years. Hence my concern for doing it right the first time..... I dont want to be building another paint booth in 5 years.