In my 90 hr FX2 with 363i FP, while flying yesterday got borderline high voltage on battery 2 ( ignition backup ) up to 15.0 to 15.1 volts in flight setting of yellow alarm which must be set at 14.9. The Earth X house battery was reading slightly higher than usual in the 14.6-14.7 volt range, but still in the green. When reviewing earlier engine data, and from my recollection both battery 1 and battery 2 tend to be solidly in the 14.1-14.2 volt range when in flight. Any thoughts on this? I looked at connections to the alternator, wondering if ground could be loose, but all seems secure. Ive done no multimeter investigations. Prior Carbon Cubs i've had all run consistently in the low 14 volt range. Are these slightly higher readings any cause for concern? Thanks.