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Accomplish Emergency procedure:
If you were in contact with ATC, consider a BRIEF radio call: must turn off electrical equipment, need a vector to nearest field OR vector for flattest lowest terrain/road/highway. Remember that each radio exchange is eating into engine life, but depending on the environment, it may be worth it. DO NOT get into a protracted conversation and only bother with this if the benefits likely outweigh the costs. Hack your watch or clock if you have one!
· Master OFF—(Avionics OFF) Using your IBBS and GDU GPS, use the nearest function and sound judgment determine your destination (nearest airport with respect to flight time, weather, nearby terrain, roads etc.)
· FLY—Point the plane in the right direction; consider gaining altitude if low in a cruise climb. Think about your approach, develop contingency plans.
· Monitor Backup Battery Voltage—Should have 30 min, but I'd plan on no more than 20.
----Engine roughness
----Approaching airport/Landing
· MASTER ON—If entering a towered airport or busy field AND you have the spare brain cells, establish communication (AVIONICS ON), otherwise (AVIONICS remains OFF) Lights on if landing is assured.
I like this because I shed everything with the MASTER, freeing me to focus on getting the plane moving in the right direction. It also saves a better ignition source for the far more critical phase of flight that is approach and landing.