Here is a direct quote from the ignition system installation and operation manual -
"Dual Systems only: If you have installed an aux battery per the LSE supplied drawing, monitor your voltmeter and do not switch to the aux battery until the supply voltage of the main battery is below 6.5 Volts or the engine is not running smoothly. "
I was given the same advice by DAR Stan Franz during my airworthiness inspection.
Note that this only applies if the standard AGM (lead acid) battery is in use. An EarthX battery will shut off at much higher voltage and the ignition management strategy may need to be different.
In the same section of the ignition manual is this statement -
"If you are using Dual Plasma CD Ignition, you can turn one system off, together with all other electrical loads not essential for flight, to maximize your range with your remaining battery capacity."
I had considered this but have not yet included it in my checklist. If you did this, which would you turn off?
I decided that I would run on RIGHT only. Running on LEFT only could result in the right system spark plugs being fouled. The right system plugs need to be kept clean for use when the main battery is exhausted and emergency battery is the only ignition power source. Running on RIGHT also requires only one switch action to enable emergency ignition.