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Thread: Alternator failure - checklist discussion

  1. #1
    Senior Member Andy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Glendale, AZ

    Default Alternator failure - checklist discussion

    Any CubCrafters aircraft with a Garmin G3X Touch system and electronic ignition depends on the alternator to maintain full system capability.

    In the years since I put a deposit on my FX-3 I have studied the architecture of the the FX-3 electrical and avionics systems and thought a lot about how I would manage an alternator failure. I eventually realized that I would not remember all the things I had thought about when faced with a real in flight failure so I decided to use the Garmin checklist editor to create an alternator failure checklist.

    My first draft checklist is based on the assumption that the standard emergency ignition battery is unsuitable for intended function and I would only select it as a last resort. My philosophy is that non essential main battery loads should be shed and the ignition system should run on the main battery until it is exhausted.

    An IBBS with a battery in good condition will power the G3X system at least 4 times longer than the ignition battery will keep the engine running. I plan to revert to IBBS power immediately on alternator loss to save battery capacity for ignition.

    The draft checklist is specific to my unique avionics configuration but I'd like to hear how other owners have planned to deal with alternator failure and hope we can all learn from a discussion. To the best of my knowledge CubCrafters has not provided an alternator failure checklist "template".
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