Just bought a gorgeous 2015 CC 11 SS, but I found a serious issue even though the airplane was carefully inspected before I bought it. The plane has no drain holes whatsoever in the belly, even though there is a factory service bulletin about the subject. Add to that that a hose in the tail (near the fuel drain), came loose and so the entire fuel load drained into the tail and then into the bottom of the aircraft. I only discovered this because the fuel tanks were empty and the aircraft smelled of fuel. This could've been a potential disaster if only a couple of gallons leaked, and then I had flown the airplane with that fuel sloshing in the belly of the aircraft, looking for a source of combustion! I know those hoses are never supposed to come undone but one did, and flying the aircraft in that condition could've been a disaster. Please check your aircraft, especially amphibians, to be sure that they are drain holes in the appropriate location! USJETJOCK