Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
Discharge after fitting the new IBBS battery showed a difference of over 1.5 hours capacity compared to one that had been in service for 4 years.

I was curious so I tested the old battery pack and attempted to charge each cell with a charge controller having a proper current/voltage profile. 3 of the 4 cells charged normally but one accepted no charge. I dismantled the battery pack and inspected the bad cell. The CID (current interrupt device) on the bad cell did not appear to have tripped.

I'll be very interested to see discharge plots of other IBBS if anyone decides to run a discharge test. If you don't know how to extract and plot the data you can send me your CSV log file.
Hi - Do you know what the IBBS situation is for a Kit that I received in mid 2022 and will only start flying end of 2024 even though it is not plugged in does it degrade in the box prior to use and if so is there a way to test the battery prior to installation?
Thank you