Now in the EX2 kit Dropbox, Revised EX2 Fuselage Manual

Changes now have change bars

Page 7 Added RM numbers to consumables list for reference
Page 11 Added detail in section 2 to powder coat removal, purpose, grounding engine to airframe
Page 23 Added RM p/n for Loctite and clarified Loctite part number
Page 52 Figure FS15, grommet p/ns to match current production drawings (EX2 Fuselage kit parts revised as required to match new manual)
Page 53 Rewrote section 12 Step 4 text from narrative to numbered steps style w/ input from production techs
Page 65 Removed reference to solenoids on inspection sheet (previously moved to instrument panel manual)
Page 66 Updated p/n of washer from TC0094-004 to AN960-10
Page 66 Corrected p/n of bolt from AN3-5A to AN3-4A, waster from TC9004-004 to AN960-10
Page 69 Added note re upper/lower rudder pedal rod length difference for part id if labels get removed.
Page 95 Adjusted fuel system testing procedure to bring it in line with current production line process.
Page 100 updated p/ns for bolt length and nut in aft tail post/vertical fin to match current production data. (AN3-11A and AN364-1032A vs AN3-12A and AN365-1032A). Also added a note to clarify bolt direction.
Page 100 corrected rudder hinge pins from TC3029-001 to TC3029-003
page 100 added note re spray rust inhibitor in open tubes before fin installation
Page 100 Updated tail post hardware callouts for better fitment and noted direction it should face
Page 104 Corrected trim motor pn, was SP80001-001 now SP80001-002
Page 105 Updated p/n for bungee cable clamp. Was SC91008-001 now XC98003-001
Page 106 Revised red note re leaving lock nuts not tight
Page 110 Added harness p/n to text
Page 111 Added detail in test re trim motor coupler
Page 113 Corrected photo reference at bottom of page (207 not 208)
Page 114 Clarified text for photo 212 re securing wires
Page 129 Removed photo of obsolete panel and irrelevant information
Page 133 Replaced photo 268 with figure of ELT bracing
Page 135 Corrected photo reference in text from 276 to 277
Page 139 Updated figure FS40 with cotter pin p/n and note re cable clearance trim
Page 142 Added note referring to fairlead clip video in Dropbox video library
Page 146 Added note to review boot cowl build video in Dropbox
Page 153 Updated firewall p/n in figure FS45 (was SC55001-001, now SC55001-003)
Page 154 Boot cowl tunnel angle assembly updated text, p/ns and all photos as required
Page 171 updated text regarding drilling holes for tinnerman nuts
Page 172 Updated figure FS49 (Tinnerman p/n call out)
Page 180 Updated text related to cabin heat box and added note control gets hooked up at a later time.
Page 181 Added detail to figure FS51 showing what components make up SC60100-001 fitting assembly
Page 182 Removed erroneous statement related to optional components
Page 185 Inserted new page (Page 186 now last page w/ previous page 185 information) and added new figure FS53 with boot cowl fuel drain fitting information

Minor formatting fixes:
Page 2 corrected page number for Step 6 Control Stick Stubs (Was 57, now 56)
Page 2 corrected color of Extended Baggage Installation
Page 2 clarified step 7 contents
Page 3 corrected page number for Figure FS37 (was 118 now 121)
Page 3 corrected page number for Figure FX38 (was 138 now 136)
Page 59 removed line out and redlined p/n and corrected permanently (AN525-1032R8)
Page 79 rotated figure FS25 180 degrees for better viewing in binder
Page 146-184 fixed issue with page numbers on the wrong corner of the headers
Page 155 rotated figure FS46 180 degrees for better viewing in binder