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Thread: Custom g3X panel - VP-X or CC “power distribution kit”

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Custom g3X panel - VP-X or CC “power distribution kit”

    Doing a little brainstorming on my EX-2 panel. Going DIY G3X. I’m no electrical wizard, but I think I can handle the harness design and build.

    I’d love to here from those that have used the Vertical Power VP-X / PPS system, as well as those that did their own G3x install using the CC Power Distribution Kit.

    Any opinions, experiences, regrets….things you would do if you had it all to do over again?


  2. #2
    Senior Member Andy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Custom g3X panel - VP-X or CC “power distribution kit”

    Quote Originally Posted by JHawkins View Post
    Any opinions, experiences, regrets….things you would do if you had it all to do over again?
    No experience with VP-X but do have experience of using G3X Touch and of modifying the system to add capability.

    Think carefully about redundancy and what you need to have working after various system failures. You will likely have only one GDU. If that fails you lose control of everything that is controlled by it. That could include remote COM, remote transponder, VP-X power switching, or more, depending on your chosen configuration. You don't only lose control, the remote devices may reconfigure e.g. COM switches to 121.5 MHz.

    As I have posted previously I would not fly at night or IMC with a only a single GDU. I consider a second attitude indicator to be essential unless day VFR only.

    The G3X Touch system is very capable but, with a single GDU, you have a lot of eggs in one basket. A full system would have 2 large GDU and perhaps also a smaller GDU acting as an MFD. Now you have some redundancy and the Garmin failure reversions make more sense.
    Last edited by Andy; 04-22-2022 at 04:54 PM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Custom g3X panel - VP-X or CC “power distribution kit”

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    No experience with VP-X but do have experience of using G3X Touch and of modifying the system to add capability.

    Think carefully about redundancy and what you need to have working after various system failures. You will likely have only one GDU. If that fails you lose control of everything that is controlled by it. That could include remote COM, remote transponder, VP-X power switching, or more, depending on your chosen configuration. You don't only lose control, the remote devices may reconfigure e.g. COM switches to 121.5 MHz.

    As I have posted previously I would not fly at night or IMC with a only a single GDU. I consider a second attitude indicator to be essential unless day VFR only.

    The G3X Touch system is very capable but, with a single GDU, you have a lot of eggs in one basket. A full system would have 2 large GDU and perhaps also a smaller GDU acting as an MFD. Now you have some redundancy and the Garmin failure reversions make more sense.

    Yeah, it’s for a Carbon Cub. VFR day/night.

    My current PA-18 has pretty much none of the above, and I’m not really concerned much with redundancy. Although if I do, say, move to an area with more marginal visibility, or want to upgrade the panel to IFR, it certainly would be nice to be able to add a second ADHARS and emergency AI.

    But at this point, tbh - If it wouldn’t absolutely crush the resale value, I’d be just fine flying a cub with oil pressure, airspeed, compass, and altimeter - or less.

    My concerns at the moment are more installation planning - Though your advice does bring the second GDU into thought - Maybe a good idea to include the provisions to make adding a second unit easier in the future, as long as it doesn’t add much weight.

    On that note - Those that used the VP-X /PPS - Was it worth the cost? Did it really simplify your electrical system / installation? I’m all for solid state, but mechanical CBs / solenoids are fairly reliable.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Andy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Custom g3X panel - VP-X or CC “power distribution kit”

    G3X Touch is used in a lot of Vans aircraft (RVx). VP-X has been discussed there.

    Adding a G5 gives attitude redundancy. In the latest firmware the GSU 25 and G5 attitudes are compared and a "MISCOMP" alert is annunciated if they differ by more than 5 degrees. Garmin support says the GDU firmware is smart enough to choose the good source and there is no manual source selection.

    Manual or automatic source selection is provided with 2 or more GSU 25 but that doesn't help if the GDU fails.

    If you want a light weight simple VFR cub the World VFR panel may be a better choice. I only went with the G3X Touch because I wanted to be able to upgrade to IFR with RNAV/LPV capability.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Custom g3X panel - VP-X or CC “power distribution kit”

    Think the world vfr panel would actually be lighter, when all is said and done? I assumed the G3x option would be the lightest.

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