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Thread: New FX-3 tips? (brakes, engine, flying)

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Question New FX-3 tips? (brakes, engine, flying)

    For myself and others taking delivery of a new and first FX-3 (or any other cub for that matter) please share new owner tips. My main focus is things we need to be aware of during Phase I such as brake break-in, engine brake in, recommended flying technique such as keep it low and high RPM for X hours vs. high and cruise? Whatever the techniques are to properly break-in a new plane, engine, breaks, etc. are welcome. I'll leave other new owner questions for new threads. And yes, I've also searched but many are picking up new planes, seems like FX-3's are rolling off 1 a week, I'm sure any tips will help many.

    Any do's and dont's are also welcome, help us do the right things and avoid mistakes as new owners.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Andy's Avatar
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    Default Re: New FX-3 tips? (brakes, engine, flying)

    Quote Originally Posted by hawgdrvr View Post
    For myself and others taking delivery of a new and first FX-3 (or any other cub for that matter) please share new owner tips. My main focus is things we need to be aware of during Phase I such as brake break-in, engine brake in, recommended flying technique such as keep it low and high RPM for X hours vs. high and cruise? Whatever the techniques are to properly break-in a new plane, engine, breaks, etc. are welcome. I'll leave other new owner questions for new threads. And yes, I've also searched but many are picking up new planes, seems like FX-3's are rolling off 1 a week, I'm sure any tips will help many.

    Any do's and dont's are also welcome, help us do the right things and avoid mistakes as new owners.

    I had read Lycoming's break-in instructions but was given different instructions by CubCrafters. Trouble was that I was given these instruction when break-in was nearly completed. The difference in the instructions was that CubCrafters recommends a continuously varying rpm sweep but Lycoming does not.

    I have over 130 hours on my 2020 FX-3 and have never needed the brakes except for run-up so, if break-in is required, it never happened.

    Fuel consumption during break-in will be very high. Monitor fuel and be at planned fueling stop with adequate reserves.

    Believe the sight gages not G3X fuel remaining until you have verified the fuel flow calibration.

    Winds in the Columbia Gorge can be very different from Yakima. Keep enough fuel to get to a safe fueling stop if the winds are over your personal limits in the gorge.

    Be aware of the restricted areas on the river. It's very easy to stray where you shouldn't be.

    Define the test area on the G3X map as range circle centered on Yakima.

    Keep the ball centered with anything close to full fuel. It will piss out of the vents if you don't.

    If you fly into Yakima expect the wide runway to give the standard visual illusions. My first landing there wasn't pretty.

    Prepare a test card for each flight. It should include, at a minimum, the flight objectives and a hazard assessment.

    Expect there to be problems with the airplane. Look for them and get them fixed before you head home.

    I'm not going to give you any tips on flying the airplane. You did the Tac Aero course so there shouldn't be any big surprises.

    Perhaps most important - have fun. There is some amazing scenery to see.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: New FX-3 tips? (brakes, engine, flying)

    Excellent tips Andy - thank you.

    I'll have to learn how to add the range ring on the G3X, haven't heard of that. Was just going to use distance from YKM but the range ring sounds much better.

    I'm also interested in any places to practice landings, i.e. any dirt/grass strips within 75mi of YKM that may be worth visiting.

    I'm going to draft up a training profile between now and then (then is expected mid July) on learning flight characteristics and then systems. I want to use this time to become familiar with the avionics from the autopilot, G5, and GNC 355. Putting together a 40 hour training plan per se.

    Also on my mind is how much time to allot for the 40 hour fly-off? I have to board my dog back home, initially planning for a 3 week period but can extend as needed. I don't want to rush home either (Virginia) so I want to also enjoy the journey to VA from Hood River. I'm not sure if Johnson Creek is beyond my limits as a new tailwheel pilot but it is something along the journey that could be possible to see now as I don't know when I'd get back west again.

    On the note of flying home, I understand oil changes are to be done every 25 hours? Is this a hard line type item that should be done along the travel to VA or can it wait until I arrive home and change the oil then?

  4. #4
    Senior Member Andy's Avatar
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    Default Re: New FX-3 tips? (brakes, engine, flying)

    First oil change at 10 hours, second at 35 hours (10+25). After that it depends on who you want to believe. I believe Lycoming and change at 50 hours. CubCrafters did the first 2 oil changes and the next one wasn't due until long after I got it home.

    I had a very high deductible during phase 1 so I minimized takeoffs and landings. I didn't land anywhere except Yakima and The Dales (best gas price in the test area at that time). I was very tempted to drop into 4S6 as I had been here with Brad in the demo FX-3. Every time I circled it I reminded myself of my deductible and decided the primary goal was to complete phase 1 with minimum risk.

    I took delivery June 18 and completed phase 1 June 24. There were a few long days!

    I had very little experience with G3X when I took delivery. I made sure I was very familiar with the essentials - baro setting, GPS direct to, engine monitor page, before my first flight. I learned the rest of it as I went along. It probably helped that I was on the development team for several airliner "glass" flight decks and had many hundreds of hours flying a PFD in development labs and simulators. I knew what I expected the G3X to do and it was just a question of finding out how they had implemented it.

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    Good info - I'm going there with the mindset of long days as well, weather permitting. Don't want to dilly dally and then get caught waiting out bad weather delays. If the weather is good I plan on flying all day.

    I've got the AMM and POH. Is there a document from Lycoming I should have? I guess along this thread for new owners is what documents to obtain and read prior to taking delivery?

  6. #6
    Senior Member Andy's Avatar
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    Default Re: New FX-3 tips? (brakes, engine, flying)

    Quote Originally Posted by hawgdrvr View Post
    Good info - I'm going there with the mindset of long days as well, weather permitting. Don't want to dilly dally and then get caught waiting out bad weather delays. If the weather is good I plan on flying all day.

    I've got the AMM and POH. Is there a document from Lycoming I should have? I guess along this thread for new owners is what documents to obtain and read prior to taking delivery?
    Here are a few to get started with:
    CCX-2000 AFM - I don't think this is available on-line. Ask CubCrafters for the PDF.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: New FX-3 tips? (brakes, engine, flying)

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    Here are a few to get started with:
    CCX-2000 AFM - I don't think this is available on-line. Ask CubCrafters for the PDF.
    Thank you!

  8. #8
    Senior Member Andy's Avatar
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    Default Re: New FX-3 tips? (brakes, engine, flying)

    A tip on starting the engine cold - The technique in the AFM and in TacAero checklist is based on time but how much priming fuel flows actually depends not only on time but also on throttle opening. Forget to crack the throttle, or don't open it exactly the same amount for each start, and the time is useless. Forget to turn the fuel on and time is useless.

    I always display the fuel flow dial gauge and prime based on fuel flow rather than time only.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: New FX-3 tips? (brakes, engine, flying)

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    A tip on starting the engine cold - The technique in the AFM and in TacAero checklist is based on time but how much priming fuel flows actually depends not only on time but also on throttle opening. Forget to crack the throttle, or don't open it exactly the same amount for each start, and the time is useless. Forget to turn the fuel on and time is useless.

    I always display the fuel flow dial gauge and prime based on fuel flow rather than time only.
    Good tip! Thanks

    I saw the other post about Prop lube. I welcome any maintenance tips, timelines, etc. I hadn't even thought of finding a prop manual, I need to take a serious moment and figure out manuals, maintenance, upkeep etc. I've skimmed the AMM but it seems slim. I need to learn how often and how to keep things properly lubed and maintained. Completely green on this!

  10. #10
    Senior Member Andy's Avatar
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    Default Re: New FX-3 tips? (brakes, engine, flying)

    I created a weight and balance spreadsheet that I find useful. You'll have to plug in your own empty weight and CG from the factory data but, before that's available, it may be informative to experiment with different loadings to see how CG changes.

    Use and your own risk but please tell me if you spot any errors. (edited file rev to remove registration)

    (edited to delete spreadsheet which was found to have an error. Please do not use any copy you may have downloaded)
    Last edited by Andy; 06-17-2021 at 12:00 PM.

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