Thread: Best Battery for our Carbon Cubs?

  1. #91
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: Best Battery for our Carbon Cubs?

    I called aero-lithium the other day inquiring on a battery suited for the carbon cub. They are still in the development stage at this point.

  2. #92
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    Default Re: Best Battery for our Carbon Cubs?

    Quote Originally Posted by OFS View Post
    I called aero-lithium the other day inquiring on a battery suited for the carbon cub. They are still in the development stage at this point.
    I just spoke with Andy of Aero Lithium regarding another matter and the story is hes not in developmpent stage rather he is ready with batterys for CCs but short on supply and will ship in 2 weeks. He IS also working on another design for the cold weather guys to possibly get some additional amps but the ones I and others are using now will be avaialble in 2 weeks. Best Gary

  3. #93
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    Default Re: Best Battery for our Carbon Cubs?

    Thanks for clarifying, I must be in reference to the cold weather battery. Something about cells getting shipped from china were delaying production.

  4. #94
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    Default Re: Best Battery for our Carbon Cubs?

    As a last resort for battery failure, has anyone tried hand propping the CC?

  5. #95
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    Default Re: Best Battery for our Carbon Cubs?

    Quote Originally Posted by randylervold View Post
    I don't have first hand knowledge but heard there were backfires that cause the intake tubes to come loose in some manner.
    When stopping the engine at times when a re-start is required, I now pull the mixture/fuel cutoff, then after about 1 second, just before the engine looses revs, I turn off the ignition. This combination seems to eliminate the backfiring when starting, but still results in a very quick start.

  6. #96
    Senior Member kiwibob's Avatar
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    Default Re: Best Battery for our Carbon Cubs?

    Quote Originally Posted by randylervold View Post
    If you know you are going to restart the plane within an hour or so then I've found that shutting it off with the key (leave the mixture in) guarrantees an instant start. I do that with demo flights all the time.
    I read this a while ago and thought I'd give it a try one day when I needed it (I see now that it's not recommended). The first time it worked a treat but the second time (on a beach where I did not want to get stuck) the motor ran on after cutting the ignition, sounding like only on one cylinder. No backfires but plainly not a good thing. The mag cut appears to work fine but I wonder how it can run on like that?

    and yes, the Shorai battery works better than the stock one but it's still pretty marginal for starting.

  7. #97
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    Default Re: Best Battery for our Carbon Cubs?

    I have hand propped my CC once.
    I was due for a biannual and had installed new software in my Garmin G3X and run the battery low.
    The instructor was very Cub/tailwheel savvy and I trusted him to help with the start.
    We primed and after pulling through two blades switches off, it started on the first blade.
    No way I would do that alone and I don't recommend it.
    I hand propped the front engine on my 337 once but I was much younger and stuck on a remote strip in the Bahamas.
    I learned to fly in a J3 so hand propping was a part of my initial training.

  8. #98
    Senior Member Ben Redman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Best Battery for our Carbon Cubs?

    I don't have first hand knowledge but heard there were backfires that cause the intake tubes to come loose in some manner.
    When shutting down with the mixture rich I was experiencing backfires at star up on a regular basis. I adjusted the idle mixture and the backfires ceased. Since I have continued to use the mixture rich shutdown/start for easier starts and have no issues. What caused me to investigate further into this was only one of the two CCSS's we had was backfiring at start using this shutdown technique.

    I have hand propped my CC once.
    I was due for a biannual and had installed new software in my Garmin G3X and run the battery low.
    The instructor was very Cub/tailwheel savvy and I trusted him to help with the start.
    We primed and after pulling through two blades switches off, it started on the first blade.
    No way I would do that alone and I don't recommend it.
    I hand propped the front engine on my 337 once but I was much younger and stuck on a remote strip in the Bahamas.
    I learned to fly in a J3 so hand propping was a part of my initial training
    With an electronic ignition source there is no feel for the BTC/igniton point as there would be with an impulse coupled magneto ignition source. This in conjunction with high a compression CC-340 and lack of flywheel effect from the lightweight propeller could get you bit pretty easily.
    Ben Redman, GM
    RARE Aircraft Ltd

  9. #99
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    Default Re: Best Battery for our Carbon Cubs?

    Absolutely correct Ben!
    I have only done it once and hope to never do it again.
    I think the key is to set the blade at 9:00/3:00 and swing through the bottom with your left hand as you move right, away from the prop arc.
    Fingertips only on the prop of course.
    Last edited by seastar; 11-14-2012 at 06:53 AM.

  10. #100
    Administrator Pete D's Avatar
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    Default Re: Best Battery for our Carbon Cubs?

    Before you go and put an experimental (home-made?) battery in your expensive airplane take a look at this:


    Seat base conversion for PC680 sized battery (same size battery Top Cub has)

    This is just a teaser, they are working on load testing, writing instructions etc. We are NOT ready to ship yet but will be before too long, there will be an official announcement when the kits are ready to go out the door.

    This will be a way to convert older seat bases to the current production design that can fit three different kinds of battery.
    Pete Dougherty
    Customer Support Manager
    Cub Crafters Inc

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