Quote Originally Posted by turbopilot View Post
It would be interesting to see a survey about what percentage of time a typical Carbon Cub owner flys alone. In my case probably 95%. In my 10 years watching Carbon Cub owners fly in and out of airports the vast majority are flying alone. So if your operations are mainly single pilot the weight limits of the SS ELSA are very easy to meet for routine local missions.
I have to agree with you, almost all my logbook entries are just like that, solo and only hour or so. BUT the trips I remember have been the furthur afield ones complete with tent, sleeping bag and in quite a few cases company.

Like you I very much doubt the shorter takeoff roll, I've never measured it but I suspect they're pretty similar.

There's no doubt these are both great planes and I've been delighted with both. That said if anything (God forbid) were to happen to my FX-3 I know which I'd choose to replace it. And I'd get that parachute too.