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Thread: the importance of weight

  1. #1
    Member TheCubWorks's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Lewistown Montana

    Default the importance of weight

    Hello everyone,

    Today was a good eyeopening day for me and I got to fly!

    the importance of keeping it light is vastly understated. having built many airplanes, and having flown the S2 and the Carbon Cub brings me to this point. I built a BIG supercub some years ago 210hp by performance engines, three bladed CATTO, Oregon aero plush seats, heavy Alaska airframe with ALL the mods, long gear big tires Grand Rapids EFIS 430 AOSS suspension, long baggage (like a Winnebago).
    you get the point 1200 empty: with 50 gallons of fuel 2 really big men and the baggage overflowing you can get off the ground in 800 feet landing just a little more. Sadly with just me (210) and low fuel take off is impressive 200 feet landing is still up there in the 500 range. now the Carbon Cub if you keep it light will launch with in a few feet and land in just a little more practcaly like riding a bicycle. Moral of the story keep it light. have more fun

  2. #2
    Administrator Pete D's Avatar
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    Yakima, WA

    Default Re: the importance of weight

    Quote Originally Posted by TheCubWorks View Post
    Hello everyone,

    Moral of the story keep it light.
    I second this! In most cases, a few pounds lighter are better than another horsepower or two. I used to have a 265 pound "ultralight" that had 52HP on the nose, that was a blast!

    Pete D

  3. #3
    Senior Member John Hodges's Avatar
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    Feb 2010
    Arroyo Grande, CA

    Default Re: the importance of weight

    Great point and well said! Weight kills performance cars and performance airplanes. It's the prime selling point for CC aircraft.

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