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Thread: Composite use

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Tuxedo Park, NY

    Default Composite use

    I'm sure there is a very good reason...which perhaps I am still attempting to understand. Cubcrafters definitely builds a great lightweight aircraft. Using proven moly tubing (airframe), aluminum (wings), fabric covering, composites for flooring/panels/cowlings,etc. Lately, more and more aircraft manufacturers (big and small) are building aircraft fuselages and wings out of composites for weight savings and decreased airframe maintainance (you hope). Yes, there are a few manufacturing challenges that have to be ironed out from time to time with composites. And if used more as the primary material, may or may not look exactly like a PA-18.

    For a weight to strength ratio, typically composites are considerably lighter. Is there a specific reason why cubcrafters does not use composites as there main material in its airframes and wings?

    Is it because of manufacturing composite parts is more labor intensive versus the same part made out of light and strong steel tubing or stamped/protruded aluminum?

    Is it to remain traditional of the proven PA-18 design?

    Could it possibly be because the composite materials actually weigh more than a chrome moly / fabric frame,etc...if so...what is the percentage difference in weight increase of using composites?

    I'm hoping some of the cubcrafters employee experts will respond to this thread. Because surely they have a reasonable explanation why cubcrafters sticks to the traditional materials (with some composites) to make a great lightweight STOL performing aircraft.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Default Re: Composite use

    cost vs affordable.
    Dan Arnold

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