Thanks for the input. I have tried this in the Carbon Cub but was not able to smooth it out very well. How many degrees LOP do you go to get smooth operation?
Update on my tinkering to bring down CHT's in the CC. Overall my efforts have brought down my hottest CHT by over 35 dF. I can now fly in 60 dF OAT air at 1,000' MSL at 80hp with all cylinders below 340 dF CHT's. This allows me to fly in the hot California deserts at 100 dF in the summer time with max CHT's below 400 dF. Climbing at full power in the desert is still a challenge.
The biggest single change in CHT's so far has been achieved by the use of a fixed cowl flap. However, I have recently found that the size of the cowl flap is much less important than filling in the sides of the existing outlet with small fillets.
Various sizes of fixed cowl flaps would yield 10 to 12 dF CHT reductions while just the small fillets alone will yield around 6 dF CHT reduction. I think what is happening is that the high pressure air is wrapping around the back side of the existing outlet and killing the low pressure at the cowl outlet of the existing cowl.
Here is my current fillet arrangement. Still working on the proper size for the fillets. Requires lots of testing. Good excuse to go flying. All sizes of cowl flaps I have tested give about 5 mph of cowl differential. The fillets provide about half of that differential. I am finding that about 1 mph of cowl differential improvement is worth about 2 dF improvement in lowering the CHT of each cylinder.
Here is a screen shot of the Dynon EMS with the fillets in place. The backup airspeed indicator in this shot is reading the cowl differential pressure.