I've flown almost 6 hours on my CarbonCub EX (1). During the last flight my G3X GDU 465 attitude banked 30* or so and froze there. It looked much like Troy's at the beginning of this thread. I flew about 40 minutes after the event. It did not self correct as was Troy's experience. There were no red Xs or warnings on the display. HSI heading continued to function normally.
After landing and shutdown I rebooted the G3X on IBBS. ADHRS aligned normally at a normal attitude.
I talked to Garmin. Immediately they said I needed to replace the GSU 25 ADAHRS. After some discussion I have decided to recalibrate the ADAHRS by re-running the pitch/roll offset, magnetic interference test, engine run-up vibration test and magnetometer calibrations. Some how I missed running a vibration test first time around. I'm anxious to see how it turns out after seeing Troy's added tray support.
Is there any other recent experience with this failure mode?