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Thread: Exploring Beautiful Lake Cumberland In Kentucky In My Carbon Cub

  1. #1
    Member davidmorris's Avatar
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    Default Exploring Beautiful Lake Cumberland In Kentucky In My Carbon Cub

    Come ride-a-long beautiful Lake Cumberland in Kentucky. I took off from KSME Somerset, KY.

    David Morris

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Exploring Beautiful Lake Cumberland In Kentucky In My Carbon Cub

    David! Great movie...well produced and you are blessed with a beautiful place to fly. I do have a couple of questions...neither of these are criticisms in any way, mostly just curiosity:

    I noticed for a lot of your flying you are over very unlandable spaces...well...the water, perhaps. Of course, we can always slow down and put it in the trees, but the case of losing an engine, did you have a plan? Wore life jackets? It is perfectly ok if you didn't...I find myself in similar areas and wonder what other people have for their bail plans. Teach me?

    Secondly...that lovely mowed area to the right of your runway on landing (and takeoff) looked like it would love to have some big tires on it. Does your airport forbid your use of it? Both little airports I operate off of encourage the use of the verge and infields...well, if not encourage, don't forbid. I take advantage figuring that the tires will last longer.

    Again...beautiful video and really enjoyed it. By no means whatsoever am I being critical...just curious!


  3. #3
    Member davidmorris's Avatar
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    Default Re: Exploring Beautiful Lake Cumberland In Kentucky In My Carbon Cub

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Harper View Post
    David! Great movie...well produced and you are blessed with a beautiful place to fly. I do have a couple of questions...neither of these are criticisms in any way, mostly just curiosity:

    I noticed for a lot of your flying you are over very unlandable spaces...well...the water, perhaps. Of course, we can always slow down and put it in the trees, but the case of losing an engine, did you have a plan? Wore life jackets? It is perfectly ok if you didn't...I find myself in similar areas and wonder what other people have for their bail plans. Teach me?

    Secondly...that lovely mowed area to the right of your runway on landing (and takeoff) looked like it would love to have some big tires on it. Does your airport forbid your use of it? Both little airports I operate off of encourage the use of the verge and infields...well, if not encourage, don't forbid. I take advantage figuring that the tires will last longer.

    Again...beautiful video and really enjoyed it. By no means whatsoever am I being critical...just curious!


    Fair questions!

    I do have a life jacket and the purpose of this particular flight was to take video. Having lost an engine in Colorado, in a Bonanza in heavy snow, I always try to be vigilent about landing options. Even if its in the tops of trees. Although I do carry passegers for flights over the lake I do not do low, slow over water flights with passengers.

    The area right of the runways is where I land 95% percent of the time. Although not offfically a grass runway the airport has never forbid it.


  4. #4
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    Default Re: Exploring Beautiful Lake Cumberland In Kentucky In My Carbon Cub

    Thanks, David! Appreciate the time you took to answer my questions. Agree with your answers. Glad that lovely graass is available to ya!


  5. #5
    Senior Member ceslaw's Avatar
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    Default Re: Exploring Beautiful Lake Cumberland In Kentucky In My Carbon Cub

    Very nice.

    The north end of Kentucky lake ( including Kentucky Dam airport ) is a regular hang out area for us. Often go over to Lake Cumberland ( Green Turtle Bay marina ). Great area.


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