Rear Seat, Part I. The Carbon Cub comes with a sling seat for the rear passenger however a more substantial seat that matched the front was our preference. Both Cub Crafters and Acme Aero sell a rear seat for a king’s ransom, so we opted to build our own.

Goals included making the seat easily removable and matching the geometry of the front seat as close as possible. The design needed to utilize the cross brace which is the attachment point for the sling seat since it is tied directly into the frame.

A wooden mockup was made to determine the primary dimensions. This was used to confirm the location of the attachment points, to match the angle of the front seat using a digital level, and also the best height in the available space. The seat was temporarily set on this wooden frame for a “test sit.”


Patterns for the side pieces were created and tested in place to confirm the dimensions.

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Steel rather than aluminum was used, which was ordered from McMaster Carr. It is shocking how much steel prices have jumped in the last year.

The primary shape of the 3” high side pieces were cut with a jig saw and then the mill was used to drill all the holes. The mill assured precise positioning.

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Once the primary pieces were cut, they were tack welded together and the dimensions and location reconfirmed.
