okay stupid question - how to do you clamp the angle provided onto the lower wire when checking the tension of the wires. There is only one clevis on the lower wire ?
okay stupid question - how to do you clamp the angle provided onto the lower wire when checking the tension of the wires. There is only one clevis on the lower wire ?
You only check the upper two (left/right) wire tensions. The lower wire is directly connected to the upper wire via the new bracket,
And therefore has predominently the same tension as the upper wire when tightened.
( At least I think that's correct? If not I did it wrong...(-: )
XCub: CCX-2300-0011
SPOT X TRACKING: https://maps.findmespot.com/s/09SL
Steve - I see your point that the upper and lower wires are connected so the tension would transfer through. But wouldn't the bottom wire tension be dependent on how far the wires were screwed into the fuselage and the clevis adjusted. Probably over thinking this.
First I screwed in the bottom wires into fuselage. They can't go in too far or they will touch each other.
With the Large Supplied washer and nut on, there should be at least 3-4 threads showing. Then install
lower clevis to new bracket on stabalizer. Install top wires,clevis etc and lightly tighten top/bottom wires so as
To have equal threads showing all around. Using level on Stabalizers do small adjustments to level both
sides. Tighten top and bottom equal amounts of turns/threads to approx tension. Clamp on supplied angle bar
and ruler to top wires and adjust tension equal amounts of turns to fine adjust tension and keep stabalizers
level and vertical fun vertical. I used two magnetized levels on stabalizer and vert fin at same time. With the
stabalizers level and correct tension on top two wires, the bottom wire tension will be correct/same as top
( Hope I'm correct...It's how I did it and everything is level, with correct tensions and equal threads showing
all around)
XCub: CCX-2300-0011
SPOT X TRACKING: https://maps.findmespot.com/s/09SL
SA0009 completed on #275 today. Felt great to get back in the air!
David Morris
I got my tail feather wires fixed yesterday and went for a ride today. The last time I flew my baby was maybe late October when I delivered it to the local a&p for an annual. Before I got a chance to pick it up and bring it home after the annual, SA0009 was issued so she just set there all winter. I got in it today, after all that time, primed it, hit the key and she Started!!!!!!!!!! After setting there all that time she hit on maybe the second cylinder.
It flew great! Nice to be back in the air again. It still amazes me how she climbs!