Tanis heater. I leave mine plugged in all the time. Oil temp at 80-85 on start. Prevents condensation from forming. Easy to install.
Oil pan heater and four intake bolt heaters.
Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Tanis heater. I leave mine plugged in all the time. Oil temp at 80-85 on start. Prevents condensation from forming. Easy to install.
Oil pan heater and four intake bolt heaters.
Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Finished CCEX N96FV!
No doubt the Tanis system is a good one and despite controvery regarding such systems, I mostly agree with their statement on their website that leaving it on all the time is OK....
"Resistance heat cannot create moisture. Moisture is always present inside your engine and specifically within your oil. Use of our system will NOT result in corrosion because a Tanis preheat system keeps all of the metal parts that are above the oil level above “dew point” and as a result condensation cannot occur on these parts. Tanis preheat systems are not to be cycled on and off as this could cause the engine to go through “dew point” (timers and thermostats are not to be used)."
Keeping the cylinders at a temp at or above the oil temp is part of the benefits of their design. But, I would comment that rust can form when temps are above dew point, so keeping it above dew point does not necessarily eliminate rusting.
For many reasons, I prefer not to use a system that must be left "on" continuously. Things can go wrong (I worry too much about systems that I can't monitor.) and cold steel is less prone to rust than warm steel.
My preference would be to dehumidify the crankcase after flight and leave it cold until just before wanting to fly. Cold and dry air, with Camguard and/or oil that sticks to all surfaces is the best rust protection IMHO.
Since I am a recreational flyer, the two hours to pre-heat is OK for me, but if time were more valuable the Tanis system (or the Aerotherm fan) with a cell phone activation or the ultra fast pre-heat like Dan L uses would be good. Getting the plane ready is part of the fun for me.
Last edited by stroutmail; 01-24-2019 at 06:01 AM.
We put the Reiff XP system on our Carbon Cub, but think maybe it is over kill for our Santa Maria climate. Rarely do temps go below 30 F, mid 40s are common. We were accustomed to leaving engine heaters plugged in overnight, but think that might be too long with the XP system with two oil heaters. Main concern is the top mounted oil cooler and the heating pad about 1 inch below the top cowl. Any history with this system?
Scott & Kim Huntington N283CC
Scott and Kim Huntington
2007 CubCrafters CC11-100 "Sierra"
2008 CubCrafters CC11-100 "Priscilla"