I would second Randy's concern RE the location on the rear spar. If I were building a CC with this option I would take that Top Cub Pitot bracket, turn it around and mounting it on the aft side of the front spar instead of the front side of the aft spar. This would put it forward of the front lift strut even at the high AOAs that a CC can get to.
The location you have is known to have issues with accuracy at high AOAs, the theory is that it is the front strut disturbing the air. We have not tested other locations though so it its theory at this point.
On compass location, you might hold a compass up in the fuse near where you anticipate mounting it and see if it deflects at all. Some areas of the fuse can have magnetic interference from welding. The other thing to keep in mind is what you are mounting it near. Wire bundles, especially high current ones and anything with a lot of power going through it, i.e. ammeter, com radio, etc can cause compass issues.
I had one airplane that was so bad (not a CC) that you could rotate the airplane 360* and the compass wouldn't move at all!