Remember to use the foam and the leather of the Mie muff and try covering the front hole of the mike muff and keep the back hole on youru lips when talkimg . Should help alot if not I found adjusting the mike gain on the Zulus solved it. Unfortunatley Bose has no adjustable Mike gain. Best Gary
Might be an issue (malfunction) of the radio itself. Seastar (Bill) is an expert on that kind of stuff. He may chime in.
I figured this out.
I have the same problem; I have a Bose A20 headset and when I use it with my new CC I transmit noise and the radio is not readable at high power levels.
Looking at the SL40 installation manual you can adjust for microphone sensitivity with the MIC 1 level. The procedure is at the top of page 13 of the manual; I've attached that paragraph.
The MIC 1 level as the radio came installed was 128. I just started backing this level down, flying the airplane, and checking the noise. Started to see some improvement at 80, and finally ended up with a setting of 50. This gives very acceptable results. It may be possible to go lower, but the voice with microphone still needs to modulate the radio, so I stopped at 50.
I did some radio checks with KWJF tower, 10 miles west at 6500 feet and cruise power.
Setting 128 tower response: "Aircraft calling Fox tower, unreadable."
Setting 50 tower response: "N512CH, Fox tower, loud and clear."
Chuck Hull
L70 Agua Dulce, CA
We ordered Oregon Aero Leather Mic covers for our Bose headsets and that has really helped with both the intercom and noise being transmitted.
I am going to Yakima to pick up my new CC at the beginning of the year. I have an A20 for my Mirage but it has the special Bose connector. I also have some David Clarks with standard plugs. I think the CC has the Bose outlet -- not sure. My sales guy says the noise canceling headsets don't work well in the CC. Opinions?
The CC has jacks for both standard mic/headphone plugs and panel mount (LEMO) plugs (like your A20).
There is no problem with noise cancelling headsets in the CC per se, and they are a big benefit. But there is a problem matching the output of the A20 microphone with the Garmin SL40 radio. See my post below on how to adjust the SL40 to match the A20. If you don't want to do this right away you might want to take your David Clarks to Yakima and worry about the A20 later.
Chuck Hull
L70 Agua Dulce, CA
I use Bose A20's and I can't imagine flying my Carbon Cub without a noise-cancelling mic. I've used a David Clark without ANR in the CC and it was awful!! I'll stay with ANR anytime, any airplane.
Chip Allen
SWT Aviation, Inc.
Cubcrafters Southeast Sales Center
Marietta, GA