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Thread: AOPA Online news story 1/12/11 LSA Cub lands in 69 feet

  1. #1
    Senior Member couleeone's Avatar
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    Default AOPA Online news story 1/12/11 LSA Cub lands in 69 feet


    LSA Cub lands in 69 feet

    By Alton K. Marsh

    A CubCrafters 180-hp Carbon Cub light SS sport aircraft has landed in 69 feet and taken off in 64 feet to win a takeoff and landing contest in Valdez, Alaska, using the company’s 3X3 landing gear modification kit just approved by the FAA. There was no wind.

    The extended gear places the wheels three inches forward and three inches lower, transferring the aircraft’s weight further aft. It allows the pilot to brake aggressively after landing. The gear modification kit by CubCrafters sells for $2,250, and is available as a modification for all PA-28 Super Cubs. CubCrafters is authorized to manufacture its own brand of the popular Cub design started by Piper Aircraft.

    The company recently received a supplemental type certificate for the gear kit. The kit is made of stronger materials to handle the braking loads. The heavy duty 3X3 gear increases prop clearance. Ground handling is also improved, as the aircraft more readily settles into a three-point stance and remains there on roll out.

    “I like everything about it!” said CubCrafters owner Jim Richmond after his first flight in a 3X3 equipped Super Cub. “Some older 180 horsepower Cubs tend to be a little heavy in the nose, and this really takes care of that. It’s easy to handle on the ground, and you can really stomp on the brakes!”

    CubCrafters announced other changes to its line of products. The Carbon Cub now has an ignition backup battery system, adjustable cowl flaps, Iridium spark plugs, detented cables for mixture, carb heat, and cabin heat (to stop the controls from creeping out of adjustment), lightweight lighting and strobe packages with an LED landing light, a Dynon D180 Super Brite avionics screen, and no price increase over 2010.

    The Sport Cub S2, another light sport aircraft, also has the changes to cables, lighting, and avionics screens, and a new base price of $134,950.

    The Top Cub, a certified Part 23 aircraft, now offers an Alpha-Omega Suspension System, an auto fuel STC, and a PS Engineering PM3000 intercom.

    January 12, 2011

  2. #2
    Administrator Pete D's Avatar
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    Default Re: AOPA Online news story 1/12/11 LSA Cub lands in 69 feet

    Quote Originally Posted by couleeone View Post

    The gear modification kit by CubCrafters sells for $2,250, and is available as a modification for all PA-28 Super Cubs.
    January 12, 2011
    Should be PA-18. PA-28 is a Cherokee I believe....

    Cool article though!


  3. #3
    Senior Member couleeone's Avatar
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    Default Re: AOPA Online news story 1/12/11 LSA Cub lands in 69 feet

    When did this happen and who was the pilot? This great marketing stuff!

  4. #4
    Administrator Pete D's Avatar
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    Default Re: AOPA Online news story 1/12/11 LSA Cub lands in 69 feet


    The Valdez contest is the weekend after the Alaska Airman's Show. Sometime in May. The pilot was Paul Claus. The Carbon Cub beat all the super modified homebuilt Cubs with NOS etc!

    Link to press release from May 13, 2010:

    Pete D

  5. #5
    Senior Member couleeone's Avatar
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    Default Re: AOPA Online news story 1/12/11 LSA Cub lands in 69 feet

    Pete, this article was dated 1/12/11 leading me to believe this was a recent event and not last May that is why I was confused! Especially with the talk about the recently approved 3X3 gear.

    thanks for the clarification.


  6. #6
    Administrator Pete D's Avatar
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    Default Re: AOPA Online news story 1/12/11 LSA Cub lands in 69 feet

    I can see how it can be confusing. We had the 3x3 gear on the Carbon Cub back in May, the STC for the Super Cub was recently approved on the Super Cub.

    Pete D

  7. #7
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    Default Re: AOPA Online news story 1/12/11 LSA Cub lands in 69 feet

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete D View Post
    I can see how it can be confusing. We had the 3x3 gear on the Carbon Cub back in May, the STC for the Super Cub was recently approved on the Super Cub.

    Pete D
    Hi Pete so may we assume that the 3x3 IS available for the Carbon Cub ??? I am sure its ok for LSA-E but is it now approved for LSA-S? Just curious as yes the article was a bit confusing. Best Gary

  8. #8
    Administrator Pete D's Avatar
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    Default Re: AOPA Online news story 1/12/11 LSA Cub lands in 69 feet


    Cub Crafters 3x3 gear is available several different ways.

    1. HD experimental (for homebuilt Cubs, Carbon Cub EX, and anything else experimental you can bolt it on to)

    2. STC'd HD for Piper PA-18 Super Cub

    3. LSA for E-LSA or S-LSA. NO letter of authorization required. (the owner is still responsible for keeping the aircraft under their max empty weight) The LSA version adds about 2.5 lbs on the exchange.

    Hope that clears it up a little.

    Pete D

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