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Thread: Top Cub Yukon Winter Transit - Part 2

  1. #1
    Junior Member Pete's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Parker, Colorado

    Default Top Cub Yukon Winter Transit - Part 2

    The morning of the 1st followed suit as the previous two mornings with low ceilings and basically crap weather.
    (ugly weather)

    (between layers....gee, isn't this fun?)


    (a little bit of ice...mostly rime)

    (Hey, this camera is pretty good!...this is the window latch)

    Approaching Watson Lake, the weather started to break a bit giving me some time to catch my breath and relax. The temps were cold....and I met a new Skywagon owner ferrying his aircraft back the other direction. Every little wisp of visible cloud touched today turns to immediate ice on the aircraft. I had to be extremely careful about picking my way around and even then, it was tough. Even in clear air at times, I was accreting ice. It was not a good day for the home team. The run up the Trench to Watson Lake was a real test replete with varsity conditions due to the weather.

    Approaching Watson Lake, the weather started to break a bit giving me some time to catch my breath and relax. The temps were cold....and I met a new Skywagon owner ferrying his aircraft back the other direction (can't remember his name but nice brain was numbed by the cold)

    I fueled up at Watson Lake and headed towards White Horse, Yukon thinking I could be there before sundown.
    (sun starting to drop on the way to White Horse)

    ( I picked up an IFR clearance to White Horse...filed for FL 0005)
    (this is a joke fellas...I Follow Roads at 50 feet...)

    (Huh? those don't look like mule deer??)

    Made it into White Horse and holed up at the Airport Chalet motel...seeded but a ton of old pictures of early Whitehorse Aviation history. Very cool. Good bar.

    Next day dawned with crappy weather...what the hell is the deal? I had to wait till noon to get out of there...was planning on making it all the way to Palmer Lake but no chance now. Ended up running up the ALCAN highway to Northway, AK to clear customs. Was running out of daylight but had enough time to make it to Tok, AK where I had a delightful stay at 40 Mile Air. Lodging was at Fast Eddys...clean rooms, affordable price.


    Most of this day was spent picking my way between layers...some pretty nice scenery when the clouds lifted occasionally.

    At this point, It was getting a little tiring running thru all of the less than desirable weather. Most of the decision making regarding weather on this trip involved the temp / dew point spread and the probablility of picking up ice. Unfortunately, most of the trip was spent in less than optimum conditions with some varsity moments.

    I got a great start out of Tok, AK the 5th day! Finally! The weather was still less than optimum with 400 ft ceilings and some not so good visibilities at times....especially around Sheep Mountain. It was great having those road side upcoming curve signs....gave me a good idea when to start the turn....<G>. Once I was 2/3rds the way to Palmer, the weather miraculously cleared:

    The rest of the flight into Wolf Lake near Plamers was a bit choppy. I was greated by the new owner...he was ecstatic to have the new Top Cub in his possession at last:
    (Gary Foster and Larry Lawson, owner)

    All in all, a great trip and somewhat of a test of decision making and dexterity. Had a bit of a headache by the time I made Wolf Lake due to the conditions of the last 4 days. I can safely say that I do not have the same ability to concentrate as I did when I was younger and zorching around the carrier). I was hoping for better weather so I could take in the country but alas, it was not to be.


  2. #2
    Member Norm's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Spokane, WA

    Default Re: Top Cub Yukon Winter Transit - Part 2

    Awesome trip, thanks for posting!

  3. #3
    Administrator Pete D's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Yakima, WA

    Default Re: Top Cub Yukon Winter Transit - Part 2

    Thanks for the trip report and pictures!! Its always a nice treat to see our aircraft in action.

    Pete D.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Hudson NY

    Default Re: Top Cub Yukon Winter Transit - Part 2

    What a story Pete. I was sweating bullets just reading it You military guys are all the same. We call it Half Decks. Good read and photo's

    Northeast Cubs

  5. #5
    Junior Member Pete's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Parker, Colorado

    Default Re: Top Cub Yukon Winter Transit - Part 2

    Hey! I resemble that remark. Nice to meet you guys at YKM last week, Rich...I didn't buy that camera till I was 30 minutes from departure...kind of wish I had taken a few photos around the carrier back in the day. You guys will be at Osh, right?


    Quote Originally Posted by tailwheel View Post
    What a story Pete. I was sweating bullets just reading it You military guys are all the same. We call it Half Decks. Good read and photo's

    Northeast Cubs

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